
Selected Publications

* = co-first author 

Journal Publications

L. Boussioux*, J. Lane*, M. Zhang, V. Jacimovic, KR. Lakhani

Organization Science, 2024

(alphabetical) D. Bertsimas, L. Boussioux, K. Villalobos Carballo, M. Li, A. Paskov, I. Paskov

Machine Learning, 113, 159–183 (2024)

L. Boussioux*, Cynthia Zeng*, Théo Guénais, Dimitris Bertsimas

Weather and Forecasting, 37(6), 817-831 (2022)

Appeared at NeurIPS, Tackling Climate Change with AI, 2021 (spotlight talk)

L. Soenksen*, Y. Ma*, C. Zeng*, L. Boussioux*, K. Carballo*, L. Na*, H. Wiberg, M. Li, I. Fuentes, D. Bertsimas

npj Nature Digital Medicine, 2022, 5 (1), 1-10 (2022)

(alphabetical) D. Bertsimas, L. Boussioux, R. Cory Wright, A. Delarue, V. Digalakis Jr., A. Jacquillat, et al.

Health Care Management Science, 24, 253–272 (2020)

L. Boussioux*, Y. Ma*, N. Thomas, D. Bertsimas, et al.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology (2023)

Working Papers and Preprints

S. Wasserkrug, L. Boussioux, D. den Hertog, F. Mirzazadeh, I. Birbil, J. Kurtz, D. Maragno

Preprint, 2023

(alphabetical) D. Bertsimas, L. Boussioux

Preprint, R&R at Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023

(alphabetical) D. Bertsimas, L. Boussioux, C. Zeng

Preprint, R&R at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2023

D. Bertsimas, K. Carballo, Y. Ma, I. Na, L. Boussioux, C. Zeng, L. Soenksen, I. Fuentes 

Preprint, Under review at Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023

Peer-reviewed Conference Publications

K. Zolna*, C. Saharia*, L. Boussioux*, D.Y.T. Hui, M. Chevalier-Boisvert, D. Bahdanau, Y. Bengio

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-9

Appeared at NeurIPS, Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 2020

C. Kantor, L. Boussioux, B. Rauby, H. Talbot

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(18), 15807-15808

C. Kantor, L. Boussioux, B. Rauby, H. Talbot

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Peer-reviewed Workshop Publications

L. Boussioux*, C. Kantor*,  M. Skreta*, M. Bunsen, R. Solis, AP Drapeau Picard, A. Luccioni, H. Talbot, M. Larrivée, D. Rolnick

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022 - CV4Animals: Computer Vision for Animal Behavior

C. Kantor, L. Boussioux, E. Jehanno, H. Talbot

AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for Social Good

C. Kantor, M. Skreta, B. Rauby, L. Boussioux, E. Jehanno, A. Luccioni, D. Rolnick

IJCAI 2021 Workshop on AI for Social Good

L. Boussioux, T. Giro-Larraz, C. Guille-Escuret, M. Cherti, B. Kégl

ICML 2019,  Workshop on AI for Social Good ; ICCV 2019, Workshop on Wildlife Conservation

D. Venuto, L. Boussioux, J. Wang, R. Dali, J. Chakravorty, Y. Bengio, D. Precup

NeurIPS 2019,  Workshop on Safety and Robustness in Decision Making 

Multimodality, Models, Algorithms, and Applications to Sustainability

Multimodality: the Next Frontier in Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning and Operations Research for Climate Action and Wildlife Conservation

How Can AI Revolutionize Wildlife Analytics?

Guided Attention for Fine-grained and Hierarchical Classification

Advancing Research to Fight the Spread of COVID-19 with Analytics Tools

InsectUp: Crowdsourcing Insect Observations to Assess Demographic Shifts and Improve Classification